Kantara Undergraduate Program



Committed to the pursuit of excellence in dental education, scientific research, patient care and community services. The faculty of dentistry affirms its mission to develop and train competent dentists who are committed to provide quality care for dental patients according to the international standards, in line with the needs and goals of the nation. Therefore, the college offers an outstanding dental education program that uses advanced techniques to teach, and practice dentistry.

The faculty of dentistry in kantara Branch at the University of Sinai currently offers a bachelor’s degree in Dental Medicine and Surgery in 5 years followed by a full year of training in an internship program.

Our program has been prepared based on the most advanced research finding in the field of dentistry education and focusing on the local community needs.   


Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry 

 Prof. Randa Hafez       

Department Staff

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Quality assurance unit

Is to seek excellence in teaching, research, and scholarship and contribute significantly to the national and international community.

To be a first class in dental field, providing excellence and innovation in teaching, research, improving the way of thinking and the clinical abilities of the students and give them a broad knowledge to be able to compete with graduates of the greatest universities in the world.

Oral and Dental Medicine and Surgery

Bachelor of Science in Oral and Dental Medicine and Surgery


All the faculty clinics are climate-controlled and fully equipped with state-of-the-art projectors and radiology units. The department of Dentistry contains a production lab, an X-ray lab, 2 dummy head labs, 2 dental simulation labs, and 5 dental clinics.

Practical side in dentistry faculty is one of the edges and benefits to our students. The fully equipped dental clinics serve more than 1K patients yearly that gives the students an edge in the practical side and accomplish CSR goals in Kantara regions.

معايير اختيار القيادات الأكاديمية و الإدارية و القيادات المحتملة

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آلية توزيع عبء العمل على أعضاء هيئة التدريس والهيئة المعاونة – اصدار 2021

آلية تقييم اداء اعضاء هيئة التدريس والهيئة المعاونة

آلية التعامل مع العجز والفائض فى أعضاء هيئة التدريس والهيئة المعاونة

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وثيقة القيم الجوهرية وأخلاقيات المهنة

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آلية الشكاوى والمقترحات

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التوصيف الوظيفى للجهاز الادارى

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آلية الإرشاد الأكاديمي

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