
Herbal Medicine and Aromatherapy: Between Reality and Myth

Sinai University > Courses and Workshops Pharmacy Kantara > Herbal Medicine and Aromatherapy: Between Reality and Myth

Herbal Medicine and Aromatherapy: Between Reality and Myth

Under the esteemed patronage of Prof. Gehan Fekry, President of Sinai University, and the supervision of Prof. Ghada Shaker, Dean of Faculty of Pharmacy, Sinai University – Kantara, a workshop about “Herbal Medicine and Aromatherapy: Between Reality and Myth” was held.

The workshop was presented by Assistant Professor Hatem Samir Abbas Mohamed, Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Sinai University.

This workshop addressed the topic of medicinal herbs and aromatherapy, focusing on their applications in medical and healthcare fields as part of a series of events aimed to promoting scientific awareness and correcting misconceptions related to alternative medicine.

The workshop was attended by a group of faculty staff, teaching assistants and students from different faculties of Sinai university branch in Kantara.