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  Sinai University’s Training and Human Resources Development Center provided practical training courses for students of the Faculty of Mass Communication Arish Campus, on the Ten Tv channel, in the Media Production City.
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  يوقع مركز التدريب وتنمية الموارد البشرية بجامعة سيناء بروتوكول تعاون مع مستشفى بهية لتوفير فرص التدريب لطلاب الجامعة.
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In the presence of October Pharma and Eva Pharma companies, our Faculty of Pharmacy Kantara students presented their own projects.
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Sinai University’s Center for Training and Human Resource Development signs a protocol of cooperation with the Alameda Academy for Health Care providing training opportunities for our university students at both Dar Al Fouad Hospital and Al-Salam International Hospital.
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